Normally, I hate when people spam me to check someone's music out. BUT this time I wasn't disappointed. Hailing from Minnesota, Chauncey666 is offering up a variety of sounds all layered with his raspy gritty voice. His most popular song "Bxmb Threat" has amassed over 20 million streams on Spotify alone. However, while being his most popular song, it is FAR from his best. In fact, I'd argue that "Bxmb Threat" doesn't define him as an artist. One thing about the Native American lyricist that stands out is that he can RAP on top of his animated delivery and style.
Tracks like "Abortion" and "WetNeck" flex his spitting ability with a bar for bar assault displaying obscure, dark, well thought out word play. Tracks like "Show Love", "Chancey Supremacy", and "sadisfaction" show a different, more relatable side to the Orange Gang rep. But it's not just word play that's intriguing about Chancey's music. His raw emotion and positive energy radiates though the sound waves. Preaching peace and happiness in his lyrics while having the imperfect contrast is of angst and intrusive thoughts.
Overall Chancey666 is building a solid fan base with consistent releases, a great online presence and experimenting with his sound. Be sure to check out Chancey666 where ever you stream music!